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CHANEL Quilted CC GHW Bucket Chain Shoulder Bag AS1844 Calfskin Leather Pink

2025-03-19 19:42:58 [lushentic pronunciation] 来源:new hermes bags 2015

CHANEL Quilted CC GHW Bucket Chain Shoulder Bag AS1844 Calfskin Leather Pink

Description / Specification

Brand NameCHANEL
Item NameCHANEL Quilted CC GHW Bucket Chain Shoulder Bag AS1844 Calfskin Leather Pink
Model No.AS1844
MaterialCalfskin (cowhide)
Sizex W:18cmH:19cm x D:18cm(W:7.1" x H:7.5" x D:7.1")
- 56cm-22.0")
AccessoriesHorogram sticker sticker/Guarantee/Pouch
Date Code30140022
Instore Code2160100645957
Up Date2024/07/31


Pre-owned used Shoulder Bag by CHANEL in good condition.

Outside Condition
  • A light sense of use, scratches, scrubbing and stains on the item.

Inside Condition
  • A light sense of use, scratches, scrubbing and stains on the item.

Please take a look at the descriptions and the pictures above to check the condition of the item before the purchase.


PristineNew, Not used.
ExcellentExcellent, Allmost as good as new.
Very GoodA slightly used.
GoodThere are a few scratches, stains and looks a little used.
Fair +There are some noticeable scratches and stains. Looks used.
FairThere are some noticeable scratches and stains. Looks obviously used.
Poor +There are many scratches and stains. Looks very used.
PoorLooks very used, but still usable.

About Authenticity

We have a large selection of luxury brand products
WWe guarantee that all of the items we list and sell are authentic.
Feel free to contact us if you have any inquiries or concerns.

In addition, We also are a member of
the Association Against Counterfeit Product Distribution (AACD),
and we promise to have no bogus under any circumstances.

Please read before order

Shipment cannot be marked as a 'gift' or with altered price due to the custom declaration laws.
Import duties, taxes, or other additional fees will be charged by your local customs.
We are not responsible for any customs and taxes applied to your order.
All fees imposed during or after shipping are the responsibilities of the customer (tariffs, taxes, etc.).
Please inquire the details of import duties or taxes at the customs office in your country directly before making an order.

Payment & Shipping

PaymentWe only accept payments through Paypal.
Shipping- We could only ship to PayPal eligible address.
- The parcel will be ship from Hong Kong
- We will ship it out within 3-5 business days
- Orders are not shipped on weekends or holidays.
1.We will use 'Direct Line'Service to ship to U.S. it provide "Free-Tax" for our U.S. customers. When it landed in the U.S. It will deliver by USPS.
2.For orders which are not in U.S. they will be shipped by DHL or EMS.
Delivery time1.Delivery usually takes approximately 3-10 business days.
2.Shipments might be delayed due to the following reasons:
a)Bad weathers
b)Public holidays
c)Delay at the customs office

Returns/Cancellation Policies

  • As we selling our items on other websites and in our retail stores in Hong Kong at the same time, if the item was sold out before your purchase, your order will be cancelled with a full refund.
  • Customers are allowed to return the item within 30 days from the delivery o for a full refund.
  • Items without the security tag are not allowed to be returned.
  • All fees imposed during the return shipping are the responsibilities of the customer
  • Please contact us before starting a return
  • Please provide us the tracking number if customer used your own courier method.

See more Policies & Description

(责任编辑:lushentic bag)

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